Catholic identity


St Finbarr’s School, Quilpie, has been a school in the Mary MacKillop tradition since 1950, valuing the dignity of each person, teaching the Gospel of Jesus for our contemporary world and providing educational opportunities for children in a remote, rural area.

St Finbarr’s School community is inspired by the charism of our Australian St Mary MacKillop and we endeavour to live by her guiding principles of

  • respect for the dignity of all 
  • be people of prayer 
  • always be thankful 
  • trust in God’s providence
  • never see a need without doing something about it
  • provide quality education of children in rural and remote areas.

This charism invites us as teachers and the wider school community to be active in endeavouring to live this charism in word and action and inspire our students to do the same. 

Throughout our teaching and interaction with our students and the community we provide opportunities, formally and informally to bring the spirit of St Mary MacKillop to the hearts, minds and lives of all. 

Religious Education is a fundamental part of our school community and is integrated into the daily routine so that a Christian atmosphere is fostered as a way of life.

We are very proud of the ecumenical history of our school and Parish and welcome and respect the involvement of all religious traditions in our school community.

School prayer

God, our Father,
We ask you to bless our school, St Finbarr’s
and all who work in it.
Help us to live and work and learn happily amongst our friends, so that we will be good citizens of our land Australia.
May we follow in Your footsteps today,
knowing that tomorrow is safe in Your keeping.
We ask this through Christ our Lord.

St Mary MacKillop - pray for us.