Dear Parents, Friends and Community, welcome back to another exciting school year! We hope you had a restful break and are ready to dive into new adventures and learning opportunities. As we embark on this journey together, we look forward to making this year memorable and successful for all.
New Playground and Shed Project
A heartfelt thank you to Troy Kuhn and his dedicated team of helpers for the outstanding work on the shed, site, concreting, and soft fall. Our deepest gratitude goes to Jake Bonsey Transport for their generous donation of the soft fall sand. We also extend our thanks to Imagination Play for assisting with the planning and construction of the playground, and to TCSO staff Paul Bryant and Peter Musket for their invaluable assistance as Project Managers. A special mention to our passionate PPF committee, whose generous funds made this project possible. The playground has been a tremendous hit with the children, and we will have an official opening later in the term.
Welcoming New Teachers and Classroom Staff
We are delighted to welcome Kate Barron as our Y2/3 Teacher, joining us from Charleville, originally from Roma. Kate's students are excited to welcome her, and we have enjoyed getting to know her. Tahlia Derry is our Prep/1 Teacher, eager to embrace the challenges and joys of teaching a new year level. Her classroom radiates a beautiful and welcoming atmosphere.
We are thrilled to have Miss Janell, our School Officer, back after her year of leave, now working in the Prep/1 room. Krystal Cathcart has returned for another 12 months, part-time, in the Year 5/6 class. Her experience and curriculum knowledge are invaluable to our team. We are also fortunate to have Mrs. Harris, our Enhanced Curriculum teacher, joining the Year 5/6 class one day a week. Jenny's expertise spans Spanish, Music, Dance, Drama, Digital Technologies, and Media Arts, and she also serves as a swim teacher. Fun fact: Jenny's coffee order is an almond latte!
Choir on Wednesday Mornings
Mrs. Harris attended a two-week summer school over the holidays and is excited to bring new knowledge and tips to our choir. Choir practice will be part of the school day, starting at 8:45 am. We are thrilled to see the choir grow under her guidance.
Charleville District Swimming Carnivals
Today, we wish Nate and Layla the best of luck as they compete in the Charleville District Swimming Carnivals trials. Regardless of the outcome, it is a great achievement to qualify for districts. We also acknowledge James and Cleo, who qualified but are unable to attend due to medical reasons. We are proud of their efforts and accomplishments.
Leadership and Badge-Giving Ceremony
Join us for the Beginning of Year Leadership and Badge-Giving Ceremony on Friday, 21st February at 2 pm in the Mary Mackillop Room. Fr. Peter will return at the end of March, and we will celebrate with a Family Mass on Sunday, 23rd March at St. Finbarr’s Church, followed by supper at the school. If you can contribute a slow-cooker dish with rice or pasta, please let us know.
Cross Country Training
Cross Country Training will begin in Week 5, led by Miss Barron and Miss Derry. For more information on the interval training and program, please see us in Week 5. Training starts at 8 am, and students must remain on the oval with the teacher until dismissed at 8:30 am. We appreciate the dedication of these teachers.
PPF AGM Meeting
Our PPF AGM Meeting is next Tuesday at 5 pm. Please join us for a BBQ dinner provided by the PPF.
Mini Finnie's Playground Weeding Request
We have a wonderful mower man who dedicates four hours a week to keeping our grounds in top shape. However, the weeds in the Mini Finnie's playground area, especially outside the toilets, have grown beyond his scope. If any parents have some free time over the weekend and are willing to lend a hand in weeding this area, we would be immensely grateful. Your assistance would help us maintain a safe and beautiful environment for our children.
As we embark on this new year, we look forward to working together as a team to achieve greatness. Remember, "Alone we can do so little; together we can do so much." – Helen Keller.
Here's to a fantastic year ahead!
Until next time
Mrs. Kara Marsh
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School Absences
PARENTS, Please contact the office each day when students are unable to attend school.
Please don't send a message with siblings about absences, please contact the school directly each day
What an incredible start to the year we've had at St Finbarr’s, especially in Prep/One with our newest additions to the school. Our classroom has been buzzing with excitement each day, though we do see some tired faces by the afternoons. These first two weeks have been packed with fun activities. Students have enjoyed swimming lessons, exploring our new playground, participating in the whole school choir, attending Spanish lessons, visiting the tuck-shop and library, and getting accustomed to school routines.
Prep/One students also spent time reading with their senior buddies during library sessions and loved interacting with their peers. It is such a privilege to witness peace, truth, and wisdom flowing through the students. Our classroom has been filled with hands-on activities and fresh playdough made by our very own.
Miss Janell, who is thrilled to be back in the classroom assisting the Prep/Ones. I am very proud of each of our students and cannot wait to watch them grow and connect with the entire school community.
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Miss Barron
Welcome to Miss Barron, Miss Barron has settled into the 2-3 Class at St Finbarr's like an old hand. We are so lucky to have her come to us from Charleville.
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St Finbarr's Pillar Awards 2025
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PPF 2025
The first scheduled meeting & AGM for 2025 is to be held this coming
Tuesday 11th February 5pm, BBQ to follow.
Thank you to all who attended our meetings in 2024
President -Mr. Sam Bartlett Vice president-Mr. Dan Hoch Treasurer - Mrs. Amy Kuhn Secretary – Ms. Kerri Thompson Fundraising Co-Ordinator - Mrs. Lousie Hoch
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Snack Attack Term 1
Huge thanks to Michelle and the Quilpie Shire Council for supplying us with Snack Attack this term.
Michelle and the P-1 Class
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Happy Birthday
Happy Birthday to
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Nate McConnell
We are incredibly proud of our only Grade 6 student in 2024, Nate, has begun his boarding school journey this year at Toowoomba Grammar. Nate has already made many new friendships and is eagerly looking forward to trying his hand at various new sports. Good luck, Nate!
Nate yr7 and Chelsea yr 9
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Mrs. Hennessey
Congratulations to Tom and Tessa on the arrival of their second bouncing bundle of joy, Harper Elaine Hennessey little sister to
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Quilpie & District Sport
Can any of our older families please check at home for one of these Quilpie & District shirts that would have been borrowed from school last year, we have quite a few missing. Thankyou.
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Tuck-Shop 2025
Help a young mind make Healthy Choices for life!
Thank you to all our wonderful families in 2024!
We deeply appreciate your dedication in coming to school and sometimes taking a day off to run our Monday Tuck Shop. The kids absolutely love having their parents involved and enjoy helping serve as well. This initiative not only brings joy to the children but also serves as a fantastic way for our school to raise funds.
If families can check the roster sent home, if a date does not suit can we ask that you try and swap with another family before approaching the Office.
We are absolutely delighted to share with our wider community the successful completion of our New Playground and Shed Cover project. This achievement would not have been possible without the unwavering support and dedication of many individuals and groups. First and foremost, we extend our heartfelt gratitude to the current and past members of our P&F Committee. Your tireless efforts and commitment have been instrumental in bringing this project to fruition.
We are deeply thankful to our hardworking parents, friends, and the broader community, whose generous donations played a crucial role in funding this initiative. Your contributions have made a significant impact, and we are truly grateful. A special thank you goes to Peter Musket, the Toowoomba Catholic School Facilities Manager, who served as our Project Manager. Your guidance and expertise were invaluable throughout this process. We also wish to acknowledge Troy Kuhn and his team of helpers for their outstanding work on the shed, site clearing, and concreting. Additionally, we are immensely grateful to Jake Bonsey Transport for their very generous donation of sand for our soft fall.
Our sincere thanks to Imagination Play for their exceptional work in planning, designing, and building the playground. Your creativity and dedication have resulted in a wonderful space for our students to enjoy. We look forward to celebrating this achievement with an official opening later in the term.
The students are absolutely thrilled with their new playground, and we are excited to see them enjoy it for years to come. Thank you once again to everyone who contributed to this project. Your support and generosity have made a lasting difference in our community.
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Term 1 Swimming lessons
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of 19
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After school CWA activities
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School Website & Calendar
Have you downloaded the School Calendar to your phone yet! This is the quickest way to see upcoming events for St Finbarr's as they will already be on your phones Calendar
Below shows you in 4 steps on how to subscribe the school online calendar onto your phone's calendar, when reading school newsletter via your phone
Don't forget each Friday we have assembly in the Mary Mackillop room, where Student awards are presented and School notices are shared with students and families present, at 8.45am when the bell rings please head on into the Mary Mackillop room
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School Yard access
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School Bell Times
Start of day bell -8.45am
Morning Tea Bell 11.00am -11.30am
Lunch Bell 1.00pm -1.30pm
End of day Bell -3.00pm
Please don't send students to school before 8.30 unless prior arrangements have been made, playground supervision doesn't begin until 8.30am
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Term Dates 2025
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St Finbarr's Student Protection Contacts
It is a legislative requirement that all non-state schools have at least two nominated staff members to whom a student can report the behaviour of another staff member that the student considers inappropriate. We call these specially trained staff members School Student Protection Contacts, or SSPCs. Each SSPC has been nominated by the principal in recognition of their integrity, approachability and knowledge in the area of student protection. Whilst students are encouraged to speak up to any trusted adult in the school community, it is important that they know they can access these specific staff members at any time should they have worries, queries or concerns. You will have noticed posters throughout the school depicting our current SSPCs. The SSPCs are also published on our school website along with information about our student protection processes. In everything we do at St Finbarr's student safety is our highest priority, therefore the SSPCs at our school are key personnel in our overall safeguarding processes. Please see the poster depicting our current SSPC team.