I hope this message finds you well and enjoying the term. I am thrilled to share some exciting news and updates with you all.
First and foremost, a huge congratulations to James, Cleo, Nate McF, Nate McC, and Maldon for making it to the District Trials for Track & Field! This is a fantastic achievement, and we are incredibly proud of their hard work and dedication. Unfortunately, James and Nate McF were unable to compete today due to illness, but we wish them a speedy recovery. Meanwhile, Maldon, Cleo, and Nate McC have headed off to Charleville to represent our school, and we are cheering them on from afar.
Next week, I will be attending the termly Leadership Forum in Chinchilla. This forum is a wonderful opportunity for principals from small schools to come together, share insights, and receive important updates from the office. While I am away, Lee Ann Weeks, our Education Officer for Religious Education, will be at our school to ensure everything runs smoothly. Mrs. Jenny Harris will be acting as deputy in my absence. Should you have any questions or need assistance, please reach out to Jenny. If she is unable to help, she will contact our Senior Education Leader, Marty Savage, for support.
In the coming weeks, our 4-6 class will be busily preparing for their verse speaking at the CharlevillePerforming Arts Festival. We also have several individual students who have been nominated to participate in verse speaking. Our instrumental band students will be showcasing their talents with solo pieces and ensemble performances. Additionally, some of our younger primary students who take private piano and guitar lessons will be performing solo pieces. A big thank you to Mrs. Jenny Harris for her dedication to our instrumental students, guiding them through band practice each Friday. We also extend our gratitude to Mrs. Cathcart for her enthusiasm and passion for verse speaking. We are all looking forward to these wonderful events.
We also look forward to our Book Week Dress Up on Monday, 18th August. We hope students can all come dressed as their favourite book character. We will have special visitors on the judging panel, and Miss Kendall has planned a week full of wonderful activities. The theme this year, “Reading is Magic,” beautifully represents how reading can transport you to different places. Miss Kendall has also created a beautiful display in the library, so please feel free to have a look.
Thank you for your continued support and involvement in our school community. It is truly a privilege to be part of such a vibrant and caring community.
Until next time…
Mrs. Kara Marsh
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Student of the Week & Gotcha Winners Term 3
Gotcha tickets are given out each week when students are seen to be following our school rules and values. Actions may include caring for each other, greeting other students, staff and parents warmly or showing respect and responsibility. Actions may also be following the words of Mary Mackillop - 'Never see a need without doing something about it'. All the Gotcha tickets a placed in the 'Gotcha box' and two names are drawn out each week, the remaining names stay in the box and are added to each week.
Week 3 Prep SOW - George
1-2 Class -Camila
3-6 Class- Maldon
Week 4 Prep SOW- Ruth
1-2 Class- Lylah
3-6 Class- Henry
Week 3 Gotcha Winners- Charlie
Week 3 -Camila
Week 4 Gotcha Winner- Archer
Week 4- Nate McC
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Prep Classroom
What a busy term so far!
Last week, Prep students participated in their very first Athletics Carnival. They all made a fantastic effort running, jumping, and throwing during the various athletic events. Well done Preppies!
In English we are exploring fiction and non-fiction texts. We have enjoyed looking at a variety of text types including posters, videos and books about animals that live in and around creeks and rivers. Preps are continuing to develop their understanding of the differences between fiction and non-fiction texts and identifying the facts within. Working as a team, students also created their very own Billabong using blocks, animals, rocks, construction materials and their wonderful artwork. They have enjoyed utilizing this play-space throughout the week during both literacy and numeracy activities.
Students have also been taught all letters and their common sounds! We are now revising the short vowel sounds and will move onto consonant diagraphs in week 7. We are continuing to practice blending and segmenting CVC, CCVC, and CVCC words within our daily literacy activities. Preps have been working so hard throughout the year and I am so proud of their achievements.
Mrs. Hennessy
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Mini Finnie's
Welcome to Mini Finnie's for 2024, we have lots of fun and learnt some things at the same time. Mini Finnie's is a play-based education program designed to develop essential skills for a successful transition into prep, the program runs each Friday morning during Terms 3 and 4 from 8:45 to 11:00 am. All children starting prep in 2025 are welcome to attend with their parent or guardian. Our Principal, Kara Marsh, and Miss Jen Anderson are looking forward to welcoming you! Please contact the office if you know of anyone who would like to attend: quilpie@twb.catholic.edu.au, ph 07 46 215 200.
Congratulation Sommerfield house on their success this year!
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Quilpie & District Swimming Carnival 22nd November
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Happy Birthday to August born Lylah 7yrs!
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Book Week Monday 19th August
St Finbarr's Book Week dress up day will be held in week 7, Monday 19th August. Students can come dressed up as your favorite book character for the day, we will have special guests on the day and voting on the best outfit. Get sewing now DAD's.
2022- What will the Staff and Students come up with this year!
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Catholic Education Week Quilpie
Catholic Education Week from 21-27 July 2024. The overarching theme of CEW this year is Communities of Faith, Hope and Love. In our Toowoomba Catholic Schools, we will be highlighting the theme of ‘love’.
As part of Catholic Education Week, our annual Bishop's Inservice Days (BID) are being held across the Toowoomba Diocese. These days are an important occasion for staff to celebrate, reflect and learn together. The special guest for 2024 is Graeme Conners. Here are the smiling faces from St Finbarr's School Quilpie, Sacred Heart Primary School, Cunnamulla and St Mary's Charleville at the far-west BID in Quilpie today. #twbcatholicschools
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Tuck-Shop 2024
Thank you to our families each week who run a Tuck shop- the kids love having Mum or Dad there and all our other Mums & Dads love not having to make a lunchbox on a Monday.
Please make sure you read the Operating Procedures in the Tuck shop to familiarize yourself with how it runs, always ask Office questions if you're not sure.
10am Snack Attack ( one platter for each classroom (3) 11am 1st Break -Fruit/veg option and home bake 1pm 2nd Break- Lunch and dessert
Parents on Tuck shop will not be sent home an envelope for their student. Please see the office if you have any issue's or need some money to pay for items (please bring receipt)
Please note: Please don't send PEANUT related snacks to school. Peanuts only are not permitted; other nuts are fine.A link to the Operating Procedures can be found below.
Don't forget each Friday we have assembly in the Mary Mackillop room, where Student awards are presented and School notices are shared with students and families present, at 8.45am when the bell rings please head on into the Mary Mackillop room
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PPF 2024
The next scheduled meeting is
Wednesday August 28th,5pm
All are welcome to come and have some input into your school.
President -Mr. Sam Bartlett Vice president-Mr. Dan Hoch Treasurer - Mrs. Amy Kuhn Secretary – Ms. Kerri Thompson Fundraising C0-Ordinator - Mrs. Lousie Hoch
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School Website & Calendar
Please make youself familiar with our School Website, below is the Website link and a direct link to the school online calendar which has future dates on it that may not have been included in the Term planner, such as AGM and Fete dates.
Below shows you in 4 steps on how to subscribe the school online calendar onto your phone's calendar, when reading school newsletter via your phone
Please find the Term Planner for T1 and T2, please also keep a look out on our website for other dates or subscribe to school calander as shown above.
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School Yard access
Please note that students are no longer permitted on school grounds out of school hours or during school holidays.
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School Bell Times
Start of day bell -8.45am
Morning Tea Bell 11.00am -11.30am
Lunch Bell 1.00pm -1.30pm
End of day Bell -3.00pm
Please don't send students to school before 8.30 unless prior arrangements have been made, playground supervision doesn't begin until 8.30am
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Term Dates 2024
Term 1, 23rd Jan-28th March 10 Weeks
Term 2, 16th April-21st June 10 Weeks
Term 3, 9th July-12th Sept 10 Weeks
Term 4, 30th Sept - 4th Dec 10 Weeks
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St Finbarr's Student Protection Contacts
It is a legislative requirement that all non-state schools have at least two nominated staff members to whom a student can report the behaviour of another staff member that the student considers inappropriate. We call these specially trained staff members School Student Protection Contacts, or SSPCs. Each SSPC has been nominated by the principal in recognition of their integrity, approachability and knowledge in the area of student protection. Whilst students are encouraged to speak up to any trusted adult in the school community, it is important that they know they can access these specific staff members at any time should they have worries, queries or concerns. You will have noticed posters throughout the school depicting our current SSPCs. The SSPCs are also published on our school website along with information about our student protection processes. In everything we do at St Finbarr's student safety is our highest priority, therefore the SSPCs at our school are key personnel in our overall safeguarding processes. Please see the poster depicting our current SSPC team.